CSR : A golden medal for ARMOR


EcoVadis evaluates the quality of the CSR management system.

The gold medal won by ARMOR further to the EcoVadis assessment applies to the group as a whole, all business streams combined. It signifies “Advanced CSR Performance” and is awarded to organizations obtaining an overall score greater than 65/100. This distinction reflects that the company has adopted a structured and proactive CSR approach in terms of the environment, society, ethics as well as in purchasing. 

EcoVadis is a business CSR performance rating provider. To generate these ratings, it uses a shared platform used by 65,000 customers in 160 countries and 200 different business sectors. The entered data are processed by an analysis software backed by various databases and verified by qualified employees. The objective of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) assessment methodology used by EcoVadis is to assess the quality of a company’s CSR management system through its policies, initiatives and results.

CSR at ARMOR: the demand for quality and transparency

In 2011, ARMOR instituted a CSR self-diagnosis and a “values approach” which have identified areas for improvement and translated them into an action plan. The latter uses data monitoring and analysis to provide an overall view of ARMOR Group’s performance in terms of societal innovation, both on social and environmental levels and through its societal involvement.

“This report has been designed to describe the links between society’s challenges and our company’s contributions, efforts and successes, in addition to areas in which we must improve”, states Annabelle Guillet, CSR Manager at ARMOR.

“The company of the 21st century must be committed, or be no more. Social responsibility is now an integral part of our corporate culture at ARMOR.We call this commitment Socially Responsible Innovation”, states Hubert de Boisredon, CEO of ARMOR.

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